Pressing On


A study of the Scriptures to discover who God is, what He is like, and how to partner with Him now.

Gotta tell everyone

Big news, especially GOOD big news, is something we want to share with everyone. 

After the Samaritan woman met Jesus at the well, her life was forever changed when she believed in Him as the Messiah and He gave her eternal life.  Her immediate thought was, I gotta tell everyone!

John 4:28-30
Then the woman left her water jar, went into town, and told the people, “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did.  Could this be the Messiah?”  They left the town and made their way to Him.

She was so excited about finding the Messiah that she left her water jar.  It’s almost comical if you think about it.  Remember, the water jar was the whole reason why she went to the well in the first place.  She brought it along to get the water she thought she needed, but she didn’t need the jug to carry the living water Jesus gave her.  She quickly headed back into town and told everyone her big, good news.

I’ve been thinking about this scene, when she re-enters town…and something has stuck out to me:

She didn’t have all the info about Jesus, but she shared anyway.  I doubt her delivery was all that polished.  She certainly didn’t have a prepared message followed by an alter call. 

It’s obvious she was excited to tell others, but she didn’t force the situation/choice on to her fellow townspeople.  Instead, she took the position of “Come and see for yourself.”  The genuine look on her face and enthusiastic tone of her voice were enough to intrigue others.  As a result, they decided to investigate for themselves.  Some took her word for it, others were not sure.

Because she went and told people about her encounter with Jesus, they left the town and made their way to hear from Jesus themselves.  She didn’t decide from them.  She offered them the choice to meet Jesus or not.  She left it up to her fellow townspeople to decide if they wanted to find out for themselves.

Many of us shy away from telling others about Jesus because we’re afraid we won’t be able to answer someone’s questions or issues.  We end up becoming someone’s “No” answer before we even find out if they are interested.  But there’s no need to worry that you “don’t know enough”.  After all, you know what Jesus has done in your life…you are an expert on how Jesus has impacted you.  Some will take your word for it, others won’t be sure – and that’s ok.  It’s not a ding against us if someone needs more time or information before they believe in Jesus for themselves.

Don’t let anyone convince you (or let you convince yourself) that you need to be an expert-level Christian before you can confidently talk with others about Jesus.  Of course, we should actively learn more and grow closer to God, but there isn’t a specific occasion that suddenly grants you the ability to speak about Jesus to those who haven’t believed in Him yet.

Let’s keep it simple, shall we? 

Did you know that you can tell your “God story” with just 3 words?  And you get to choose the words.  I’m serious!  You can do this.  Check it out:

·       The first word describes your life before you believed
·       The second word describes the catalytic moment, series of events, or person that brought you to believe in Jesus for eternal life
·       The third word describes your life after you believed

Talking to others about Jesus (or “witnessing”, as it’s been called) really is that simple.  You don’t have to know it all or understand it all to share all of what Jesus has done for you.

Any of us can start here, just like the Samaritan woman did.  She had a broken past that was full of poor life choices, and she certainly wasn’t going to be mistaken for a preacher.  And yet, people responded.  She didn’t know all the theological terms or have the answers to all the hard questions.  She had just met Jesus.  She believed in Him.  And that was enough.

So share your story, and let God do the rest.

Keep Pressing,