Pressing On


A study of the Scriptures to discover who God is, what He is like, and how to partner with Him now.

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There’s only one correct Interpretation

Interpretation can be a very sticky subject within Christianity.  Lots of people have very strong opinions about what various passages mean…and not everyone agrees on what that is.  A common phrase thrown about is, “Well, that’s YOUR interpretation.”  We often bring our own baggage, theological systems, and assumptions when we try to interpret what God has said.  However, the truth is that there is only one correct interpretation for a particular passage…it isn’t mine, and it isn’t yours…no matter what we may feel a passage says or what we may desire a verse to be about, there’s only one true interpretation: what the original author intended for the original recipients of the text. 

So after we do our observation work – after we use our reporter’s hat and our detective’s hat to observe what is going on in the text – our next step is to use what we have found in the text to determine the original author’s meaning. 

It sounds simple, but can be difficult to do.  Interpreting honestly and clearly will take practice.  However, the best way to approach these next steps is to come in with the mindset that we are students of the Bible and disciples of Jesus…not students of Calvinism and disciples of John MacArthur…not students of Arminianism and disciples of John Wesley…not students of Catholicism and disciples of the Pope.  We want to know God through the pages of the Bible, and Jesus is our best and most-relatable example of who God is and what He is like.

That said, I want to offer you three steps that will help you unlock the biblical text, the three basic principles of Interpretation.  The best part is, you’ve already taken the first step:

Interpretation Step #1: Content

The content of a passage is the raw material you will use to interpret the text.  And because of the work you’ve already put in using your reporter’s hat and your detective’s hat, you have a good amount of observations to work with. 

The first step we take when we begin interpreting the Biblical text is to go back and read over all the observations we’ve written down.  Look at the “first impression” questions you had when you initially reviewed the text…did you find your answer in your reporter/detective work?  If not, that’s ok.  We still have ways to address them – and the next step can definitely help:

Interpretation Step #2: Context

Simply stated, context refers to that which goes before and that which follows after.  Anyone who has had to face the press can appreciate the importance of context.  We’ve all been in situations where part of what we’ve said to one person was overheard and taken out of context by someone else.  When something is taken out of context, an accurate understanding of the comment or situation often goes right out the window.

We can definitely do the same thing with the Word of God.  In fact, every major cult is built on a violation of the principle of context.  A great deal of doctrinal error could be corrected by simply asking, “Would you please read the previous verses or the ones that follow?”.  So whenever you study a verse, a paragraph, a section, even an entire book – always consult the neighbors of that verse, that paragraph, that section, or that book. 

Additionally, we need to recognize that the meaning of a word is also derived from how it is used.  I can use the word run in several different ways: I run marathons.  I run for political office.  My allergies are bad, they make my nose run.  The meaning of run varies on usage.  Same thing happens in the Bible…we cannot assume that every use of “saved”, “lost”, or “hell” is always equal to “saved from eternal damnation”, “unbeliever”, or “the bad place”.  If we are going to interpret honestly, then we can’t read by default or assumption – we must look at how a word is used in the passage by the author.  Different Biblical authors can use the same word to mean different things…we just have to be aware of it.

Keeping our interpretations within the context of the Biblical passage will safeguard against us reading our own assumptions or misunderstandings into a verse. 

Another great tool to help us determine the original author’s meaning is found in the next step:

Interpretation Step #3: Comparison

The Bible is comprised of 66 separate books; however, since God is the ultimate author of them all, we can expect that they all work together to tell who God is, what He is like, and how we can partner with Him now.  As such, we can expect that – when interpreted correctly – the Biblical passages will not contradict one anothr.

Some passages are very easy to understand, others are more challenging.  That’s ok…because a great help is knowing we can use Scripture to interpret Scripture.  This is a great safety net, and the more you compare Scripture with Scripture, the more you begin to see and understand God’s larger picture.  The parts that are difficult become easier to understand as we work with Scripture as a whole.  And when comparing, we always interpret the difficult passages with what we understand from the clear passages – not the other way around.  Don’t take a difficult passage and try to force an unnatural meaning on something that is clear in and of itself.

A good illustration of this is John 3:16-17
For God loved the world in this way: He gave His one and only Son, so the everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.

Jesus is being explicitly clear here with Nicodemus.  Eternal life is a free gift to everyone who believes.  Whatever other use of the word “saved” or “salvation” you find in other passages, if they are discussing eternal life, then that gift is free.  No strings attached.  No behavior change required.  No promise to do better.  The only condition Jesus puts on anyone receiving eternal life from Him is to believe in Him for it. 

So what does this mean if you find a passage that seems to say we must work for our “salvation” or that we must persevere in order to be “saved”?  Based on John 3:16-17, we know those understandings would not be accurate.  I suggest going back to the context of your verse in question…and then determine if the author has really used “saved” to discuss obtaining eternal life, or is he talking about being “saved” from something else?  Whenever you read the word “saved”, stop and ask yourself “Saved from what?”…because about 70% of the time when “saved” is used in the New Testament, it’s not referring us to obtaining eternal life.  Shocker, I know!  But this is where context and comparison are huge steps in our interpretation process.

Now we’ll take our three Interpretation Steps with our passage from Joshua:

Content: Go back and read over your notes.  Remind yourself of everything you’ve learned up to this point.  Do you have any unanswered questions?

Context: Read all 18 verses of Joshua 1.  How does our passage fit in the larger context?  Notice who else is encouraging Joshua to be strong and courageous.  For additional context, you could also read chapters 2-11.  If you do, look specifically for Joshua’s leadership – was he always strong and courageous, did he observe carefully the whole instruction God had given the Israelites?  If he did, then was he successful, like God promised?

Comparison: Beyond reading Joshua 1-11, think about how this passage relates to what we learned in Psalm 1.  List out the similarities you find.  Can you think of any other similar passages?  How well do they match up? (and it’s ok if no others come to mind)

Joshua 1:6-9
“Be strong and courageous, for you will distribute the land I swore to their fathers to give them as an inheritance.  Above all, be strong and very courageous to observe carefully the whole instruction my servant Moses commanded you.  Do not turn from it to the right or the left, so that you will have success wherever you go.

This book of instruction must not depart from your mouth; you are to meditate on it day and night so that you may carefully observe everything written in it.  For then you will prosper and succeed in whatever you do.  Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous?  Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Keep Pressing,


Much like the word happy, the word prosper can be surprisingly divisive in Christian circles.  Some believers go so far as to say that if you’re not wealthy, you’re not doing “God’s Will” for your life.  Other believers, at the opposite end of the spectrum seem to begrudge those who are “too successful”.  Typically, we define success in monetary terms…but maybe God has a different definition.

For context:

Psalm 1:1-2
How happy is the one who does not
walk in the advice of the wicked or
stand in the pathway with sinners or
sit in the company of mockers!

Instead, his delight is in the Lord’s instruction,
and he meditates on it day and night.

Notice when the psalmist inserts prosperity into the picture:

Psalm 1:3
He is like a tree planted beside flowing streams
that bears its fruit in its season
and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever he does prospers.

Whatever he does prospers…that is a huge promise!  But is that what it really means?  Whatever he does prospers…literally anything?

In context, this would be as he follows the way of the righteous…remember, his delight is in the Lord’s instruction, so his endeavors and goals will be in accordance with that.  This doesn’t mean there is just one linear path for us to follow (i.e. – God wants me to have this specific job and marry this specific person and attend this specific school, and if I don’t…then I’m not in “God’s will”).  Instead, God’s instructions are principles for us to apply as we travel through life.  As we continue to apply His teachings, we are walking the path of the righteous and are rewarded with prosperity.

The Hebrew word for prospers (tsaleach) shows up 65 times in the Old Testament, so this is something God brought up regularly to the Israelites.  The word means to succeed, generally expressing the idea of a successful venture, as contrasted with failure.  The source of such success is God.

The same word is rendered as success in 2 Chronicles 26:5, when describing the best part of King Uzziah’s reign:

2 Chronicles 26:5
He sought God throughout the lifetime of Zechariah, the teacher of the fear of God.  During the time that he sought the Lord, God gave him success.

The same word also appeared as prosper in God’s direction to Joshua, as he was receiving instructions from God just prior to leading the Israelites into the Promised Land:

Joshua 1:8
This book of instruction must not depart from your mouth; you are to meditate on it day and night so that you may carefully observe everything written in it.  For then you will prosper and succeed in whatever you do.

Do you see the pattern showing up in each of the texts?

meditate on God’s word then do the work given then be prosperous

A godly, prosperous person isn’t a sinless person, they are not someone who does everything right.  Instead, it’s someone who is walking in the counsel of God…and that involves a variety of appropriate actions at appropriate times: confessing sins, serving, learning under sound teaching, putting into action the lessons we learn from God, loving others as we have been loved, and looking at life through God’s perspective.

So far in Psalm 1, we’re finding that the difference between a godly man and a wicked man is the constant input from the Word of God.  Time in God’s Word is their delight and focus – I’m not talking about a 5 minute devotional here – but a primary focus…soaking in the Word, allowing it to permeate his mind and change his actions (take a look at Romans 12:2 and 2 Corinthians 3:18 for more examples)

So what is prosperity and success, then?  While the world defines those terms mainly in finances, in contrast, God is telling us that prosperity is something much greater.

The psalmist’s tree analogy defines success as well-timed fruitfulness: your life is producing good things for the people around you, you are achieving your true potential.  A fruit tree was made to produce fruit, because that is what it is designed to do – and if it’s not producing fruit, then it is missing out on what it was made to do.  And it’s the same with us, but as we have seen, fruitfulness only happens when the Word transforms us. (This is similar to the abiding theme we find in John 15 and the apostle’s discussion throughout 1 John)

In Psalm 1:3, we have a promise to claim: That God’s Word will sustain/grow me and there is happiness, delight, and prosperity in doing so.  However, our look at other Scriptures confirmed what we’ve seen in Psalm 1, that there is also a condition to meet in order to have this God-defined prosperity: Intentionally spend time in God’s Word, purposely meditate on it, and delight to do so…knowing that God can/will develop me in the way I was created to grow and mature.  And then I will find happiness and prosperity.

Keep Pressing,